Sunday, September 23, 2012


As many of you will note, I have not posted a blog for some months.  Kentucky is getting ready to reinstate executions (having come up with a new method of killing a human being), so we in the Capital Trials Branch have been busy.  I have not been too busy to ride however, and in fact, I have been enjoying the Fall weather! 
Jordi has been back in training now and is finally losing weight.  I have been reflecting of late on his career.  It seems his face is gradually getting covered in white hair- white hair that was seemingly not there just a year ago.  He is getting older.  His spirit is the same- tossing that beautiful head with sheer joy when asked to extend a trot just a bit more; however, that same trot is not as powerful as I remember.  Neither is my ability to sit it!  Sometimes, while out on the trail, I think back over Jordi's eventing career and realize that had it not been for this particular horse, I never would have been able to have ridden again after losing the movement of my right foot.  He was a literal gift from God.  I sometimes cannot believe how fortunate I have been in my equestrian truly blessed!  I truly believed Jordi was a once in a lifetime horse- until Witty came along.
     I have struggled with Witty, sometimes wondering if I really could manage to train a green, hot horse at the age of 52.  Jordan had been hot in  his day, but warmbloods are different-much more forgiving and easy going.  Witty was wild-eyed, wicked and bull headed at times.  I knew he was something though- I knew it when I first saw him.  I gambled, and I have apparently won.

   Witty's progress has been slow-not because he isn't smart or willing, but because I cannot be as consistent with my time as I would like.  This weekend was a corner turned.  Witty came to understand the concept of lateral movement, and has learned the new dressage aids for canter.  He is literally the smoothest horse I have ever ridden- where Jordi was like a Land Rover- fast, dependable and maneuverable, Witty is more like a Maserati- elegant, fast and responsive.  This weekend, Beth and I had a wonderful trail ride, and on a whim, decided to see if the big golden boy would jump.  We set a small fence in the indoor, just to see what would happen.  It turned out to be a barometer of Witty's progress.  The fence we set was merely a few inches off the ground- little more than a trot pole.  However, Witty didn't just trot over it-he jumped it! and wanted to jump it some more! No longer was this huge palomino a scared, tentative "greenie". Instead I found myself astride a strong, confident sporthorse....who apparently loves to jump!

   For just a few moments I was transported to those early days with Jordi, finding myself on a horse that was eager to do something he had never done, and who was having a great time discovering what he is and what he is capable of.  So, this weekend marks the passing of the torch.  Jordi's eventing days are probably over.  His lungs never really were 100% after his pnuemonia, and to ask him to gallop cross country would not be fair.  I know him- he would go until his wind broke, both because of his love of it, and because of his love for me- simply because I asked him to.  He will now be my dressage horse.  Witty, in all probablility, will be my eventer.  And he will win, because like Jordi, he seems to genuinely love it, and it makes him happy.

   I really never thought I would ever own another horse like my Jordi. After all, he was lightning in a bottle. 

Well, it appears that lightning CAN strike twice!   So folks, watch for us at the Area 8 Competitions next year.  Hopefully we will be at the EACs in 2013!