Monday, April 16, 2012

The View's Not So Bad From Up Here !

So, I have made the decision to throw myself whole-heartedly into dressage. Now comes the fun part- trying to find a dressage instructor! This is made even more difficult for me because of my past experiences with Sue Kolstad. When you have ridden with someone you view to be the absolute best, how do you trust yourself and your horse to someone you don't really even know?

I have attempted to do the "self-training" thing with the help of a very good book entitled Feeling Dressage, but it's not the same as having an upper level dressage rider school you and fix your horse when need be. Through riding with Sue I learned that there are some things that only a Grand Prix Master can teach you-and that would be Sue! I plan on trailering up to Boone County to ride with Sue, but that will have to wait until my trailer is ready.

So, I went onto the KDA website and attempted to hunt down an instructor. Since I am new to the sport of Dressage, I know absolutely no one. I did find an eventer that shows CCI**** and have elected to give her a go. I am working out the details even as we speak!

Jordi has had his teeth floated, well care done and we are ready. This morning I began my own personal fitness routine- working out in the house, stretching, trying to make sure that I keep myself as sound as Jordi has ended up being. Last weekend we had a leisurely walk in the fields- the calm before the storm of actual training for the season.

I am looking forward to getting deeper into dressage- thankfully Sue Kolstad has infused me with a love for it. I no longer feel like I'm losing eventing, but rather like I'm gaining a new and grand adventure! There is nothing quite like the communication between 2 different species as they attempt to execute precise, synchronized movements as one being. Its all most as nice as the leisurely walks Jordi and I partake in after our daily sessions. Yes, I think regardless of the path we take, the view is going to always be spectacular from between Jordi's ears!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

And So It Begins.........

Being 52 years young, I had never really considered "Blogging" about anything. However, seeing the increasing number of "master level" riders increasing in the ranks as we Baby Boomers age has inspired me! So why not!?

I have competed in equestrian sport literally for 46 years. Having been an Eventer for the majority of that time, I have not been without my share of injuries. I have broken my back, wrists, and toes. I have learned that women riders suffer more knee injuries than their male counterparts primarily because of our wider pelvis and hence angles of femur to tibia, creating less shock absorption capabilities as we ride over fences. (Yes, I fully plan on discussing this with the Almighty when I finally meet Him some day, and expressing my discontent with His design)

As such, I have undergone double knee replacement merely to be able to continue to compete on a national level. Eventing was my passion J- dressage a necessary evil. Just last year however, I was told that if I continued to jump, I risked paralysis. Apparently the spine, once injured, loses a lot of its shock absorption capability. When you pair this with the natural aging process ( yet another topic for discussion with the Almighty!) .....well, lets just say the heart and soul are willing but the flesh becomes incapable.

So, I have undergone epidurals, acupuncture, steroid treatments, traction and countless medications to continue to be able to ride. By some miracle, I met Dr. Debra Sillins, one of the best friends and plastic surgeons in all of Kentucky. She felt that a breast reduction coupled with cutting off the vestiges of years of steroid use (i.e. body fat) could do wonders for me. She was right! I underwent a 6 hour surgery in which she removed approximately 30 pounds of flesh from my body. I am happy to report that I now ride pain free, except for some stiffness in my neck. I still do PT exercises and take an occasional Celebrex, but I ride!

So now begins the journey from Eventer to Dressage Queen! My trusty friend and companion Fly Over Jordan (a.k.a. Jordi) has managed to end his eventing career injury free. Like me, he is a bit stiff from time to time- he's no spring chicken either!- but we will make this journey together, he and I. We will learn to dance together in the face of whatever adversity we face. Come join us! It's going to be a great ride!